About Me


My story started when I was young I have been passionate about science fiction movies, robots, and AI, and it was a dream to participate in the AI field and change the world. by applying my imagination to create new innovations and make a breakthrough, that will help the people.

I love learning and searching, I want to learn more and gain more experience till death. I want to feel the value of myself, and feel that I really do valuable work that can help people and make their life easier

I like problem-solving, just to improve my coding skills and improve my thinking to be at full power and do that from time to time. I do university projects but I prefer AI, Machine learning, and Deep learning projects and getting in-depth. I like to improve my skills to cope with the future.

I believe that GPA is necessary, the certificate as well, it is evidence for proficiency but sometimes some problems that are beyond you, happen and may cause trouble with GPA .but finally it depends on what you can do, what you really learned and able to show it.

My favorite wisdom is "you get what you work for not what you wish for" and "hard work puts you where good luck can find you".

If you need any guidance or have some questions, feel free to contact me.

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